- Fundamentals of Human Resource Management
- Relationship between HRM & HRD and their Structure and Functions
- Role of HR Professionals
- Strategic HRM
- Development of HR Functions in India
- HRD and its Subsystems
- HRD Learning and Development – Role and Impact of Learning
- HRD Attitude Development
- HRD Career Path Planning
- HRD Self-Development
- HRD Talent Management
- HRD Succession Planning
- Human Behaviour and Individual Differences
- Employees Behaviour at Work
- Diversity at Workplace and Gender Issues
- Theories of Motivation and their Practical Implications
- Human Implications of Organisations ‘Role’ : Its Concept & Analysis
- Employees’ Feedback
- Employees’ Feedback, Reward and Compensation System
- Performance Management Appraisal Systems
- Performance Management Performance Review and Feedback
- Performance Management Counselling
- Performance Management Competency Mapping and Assessment of Competencies;
- Performance Management Assessment Centres
- Performance Management Behavioural Event Interview (BEI)
- Conflict Concept & Definition HRM
- Characteristics of Conflict HRM
- Types of Conflicts HRM
- Reasons for Conflict HRM
- Different Phases of Conflict HRM
- Conflict Resolution HRM
- Conflict Management HRM
- Negotiation Skills for Resolution of Conflicts HRM
- Role of Information Technology in HRM
- HR Information and Database Management
- Human Resource Information System (HRIS)
- Human Resource Management System (HRMS)
- e–HRM
- HR Research
- HRM Knowledge Management
- HRM Technology in Training
- HR Analytics