Crop Loan

A crop loan is a short-term credit facility provided to farmers to meet their agricultural expenses. It enables them to purchase inputs like seeds, fertilizers, and equipment and manage other farming-related costs.

1. Definition of Crop Loan

  • A crop loan is a short-term loan offered to farmers for meeting the working capital requirements of agricultural activities.
  • It is tailored to cover the cost of inputs such as seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, labor, and irrigation.

2. Purpose of Crop Loan

  • To provide financial support for cultivating crops.
  • To help farmers avoid dependency on informal credit sources like moneylenders.
  • To promote sustainable agricultural practices by making credit accessible.

3. Eligibility Criteria

  • Farmers engaged in agricultural activities, including:
    • Landowners and tenant farmers.
    • Sharecroppers and oral lessees.
  • Applicants must provide proof of their agricultural activity, such as land records or lease agreements.

4. Loan Amount

  • The loan amount is determined based on:
    • The scale of finance (SoF) set by the District Level Technical Committee (DLTC) for different crops.
    • The size of the landholding and input costs.
  • There is no upper limit for the loan amount, but it must align with the borrower’s repaying capacity.

5. Interest Rate and Subsidy

  • The interest rate for crop loans is typically subsidized under government schemes.
  • Under the Interest Subvention Scheme (ISS), crop loans up to ₹3 lakh are provided at 7% per annum.
  • Additional 3% interest subvention is offered for timely repayment, effectively reducing the interest rate to 4% per annum.

6. Repayment Period

  • Repayment is linked to the crop cycle and typically ranges from 6 to 18 months.